Ramkhamheang University, Bachelor of Law
Professional Experience
Thai, English
Practic Area
Khiri has worked in the field of laws for more than 2 years; he started working as a paralegal in a Thai law firm at Pattaya by working with many foreigner clients to give them a legal advice by using his English skills as a native speaker. He has drafted a legal document such as indictment, statements to use in court, notice letter, etc. He used to prepare documents to register the ownership of land and condominium under Thai land and condominium Law in the land department.
Currently, he is working as a lawyer at ALG most of his responsibilities is to prepare documents of company registration and register at the Department of Business Development (DBD), handle the Visa and Work Permit of the clients, review and give some advice about contracting, give some advice to the clients who have a legal dispute, draft the documents to file a lawsuit and attend at the court hearing including legal research such as Supreme Court Judgments, Ruling etc.