Traffic Accident

About Traffic Accident cases


Traffic Accidents are common occurrences in modern society. Currently, the number of vehicles in Thailand has reached 40 million, according to statistical data. Coupled with the fact that society is constantly driven by haste, Traffic accidents frequently occur, whether involving car-to-car collisions or car-to-pedestrian collisions. These incidents inevitably result in damage, whether it be to life, body, or property. Legal cases arising from Traffic accidents can be classified into both civil and criminal cases.

The summary of these cases is as follows:
Civil Case: The substance of this case pertains to claims for damages from the person who negligently drove a vehicle (the tortfeasor) and caused damage, whether to life, body, or property of another person. Legal action can be taken against related parties to hold them accountable for the damages incurred to the injured party. This could include the employer, the principal, or the insurance company of the tortfeasor. Such cases are categorized under "tort cases."

Criminal Case: The substance of this case involves calling for the negligent driver to be punished under the Criminal Code and the Land Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (1979). Punishments range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the specific circumstances of each accident and the legal charges applicable according to the law. Various situations can arise, from minor injuries to severe injuries or even death.


Scope of Services for Civil Cases

    In Case of Being the Plaintiff
  1. Conduct fact-finding and evidence examination to plan the case
  2. Issue a demand letter
  3. File a lawsuit in court
  4. Conduct court proceedings until the case is concluded
  5. File an appeal or respond to an appeal (if applicable)
  6. File a petition to the Supreme Court or respond to a petition (if applicable)
    In Case of Being the Defendant
  1. Conduct fact-finding and evidence examination to plan the case
  2. Submit a statement of defense to the court
  3. Conduct court proceedings until the case is concluded
  4. File an appeal or respond to an appeal (if applicable)
  5. File a petition to the Supreme Court or respond to a petition (if applicable)

Scope of Services for Criminal Cases

    Seeking to Have the Public Prosecutor File the Case (as Co-Plaintiff with the Public Prosecutor)
  1. Conduct fact-finding and gather evidence to plan the case
  2. Draft complaint statements, provide guidance, and offer consultation in filing complaints with or giving statements to the police investigator and/or the public prosecutor
  3. Follow up on the investigation file handled by the police investigator for submission to the public prosecutor and file a petition to join as a co-plaintiff with the public prosecutor. Prepare and guide witnesses for the criminal trial until the case is concluded
  4. .File an appeal or respond to an appeal (if applicable)
  5. File a petition to the Supreme Court or respond to a petition (if applicable)
    Proceeding with the Case Independently (as Plaintiff)
  1. Conduct fact-finding and gather evidence to plan the case
  2. File a complaint, conduct preliminary hearings, and carry out court proceedings until the case is concluded
  3. File an appeal or respond to an appeal (if applicable)
  4. File a petition to the Supreme Court or respond to a petition (if applicable)
    In Case of Being the Defendant
  1. Conduct fact-finding and gather evidence to plan the case
  2. Submit a request for temporary release (bail) during the trial
  3. Prepare a defense against the criminal charges and conduct court proceedings until the case is concluded
  4. File an appeal or respond to an appeal (if applicable)
  5. File a petition to the Supreme Court or respond to a petition (if applicable)

Reasons why it is chosen

Our law firm specializes in providing legal services for both civil and criminal cases. With a team of highly experienced attorneys, we offer professional legal advice and representation at every stage, from fact-finding and case planning to courtroom proceedings. Whether it involves filing a lawsuit as a plaintiff, defending rights as a defendant, or filing appeals and petitions to the Supreme Court, we are committed to integrity, fairness, and delivering the highest quality service. Our goal is to protect our clients' rights and interests, ensuring they receive full justice. You can trust us to be your legal advisor in resolving challenging and complex issues with confidence.

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