Civil & Criminal Litiigation
Civil and criminal cases are two different types of legal cases that differ in nature and in the procedures followed
Civil Case
Nature of the Case: Civil cases involve disputes between individuals or organizations, which may include matters such as breach of contract, actions that cause harm to others, or claims for civil rights, such as debt collection or compensation claims.
Plaintiff: a civil case is filed by an individual or organization that has suffered harm (plaintiff) against the individual or organization accused of wrongdoing (defendant).
Penalties: The penalties in a civil case are usually related to compensating the harm done, such as paying compensation, returning property, or enforcing or ceasing certain actions.
Purpose: The purpose is to provide compensation or remedy for the harm suffered by the injured party.
Criminal Case
Nature of the Case: Criminal cases involve actions that are considered crimes or illegal activities, which affect society or other individuals, such as murder, theft, or fraud.
Plaintiff : In criminal cases, the plaintiff is typically the state, with the "public prosecutor" filing the case on behalf of the state. The plaintiff in a criminal case has the responsibility to prove that the defendant has indeed committed the crime and must be punished according to the law. However, in some cases, an individual who has been harmed by the criminal act may file a case as a co-plaintiff (also known as "a private prosecution") directly with the court. This means that the victim can initiate legal action against the defendant themselves. Nonetheless, in general, criminal prosecutions are primarily handled by the public prosecutor.
Penalties: Penalties in a criminal case often involve imprisonment, fines, or more severe punishments than in civil cases, such as the death penalty.
Purpose: The purpose is to protect society, deter wrongdoing, and punish those who break the law.
In summary, civil cases focus on resolving and compensating for harm caused between individuals or organizations, while criminal cases aim to protect society and punish those who break the law.
Scope of Services for Civil Cases
Scope of Services for Criminal Cases
Our law firm specializes in providing legal services for both civil and criminal cases. With a team of highly experienced attorneys, we offer professional legal advice and representation at every stage, from fact-finding and case planning to courtroom proceedings. Whether it involves filing a lawsuit as a plaintiff, defending rights as a defendant, or filing appeals and petitions to the Supreme Court, we are committed to integrity, fairness, and delivering the highest quality service. Our goal is to protect our clients' rights and interests, ensuring they receive full justice. You can trust us to be your legal advisor in resolving challenging and complex issues with confidence.
Regarding our firm's attorney fees, we consider the complexity of each case and the value or damages involved. As a general rule, fees start at 10% of the total claim amount. For more complex cases, additional service charges may apply. These fees do not include attorney fees for appeals to higher courts, such as the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court, which will be communicated to the client beforehand.